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Voice models for Fate/Apocrypha Characters

Despite the name, there are no datasets here, only models. These are characters from the installation Fate/Apocrypha of the Fate Series. All models were trained with Mangio-Crepe.

Please use RMVPE when sampling with speaking clips that involve some distortion such as reverb.

When singing, it's better to use Mangio-Crepe.

With other clips, I can't tell a difference between RMVPE and Mangio-Crepe.

Model Details

In this repo features about 5 characters:






To be implemented in a future update:


Amakusa Shirou


They may not come out as amazing as they should, so extra tweaking may be necessary. For example, Siegfried has a very low voice, and using it with higher voice models may not sound correct without pitch correction.

Character Specific Notes


Update 2024/1/25: Both the first Siegfried model and "SiegfriedV2" have been replaced with an even better Siegfried model, with the best of both.

Update 2024/1/4: A new voice "SiegfriedV2" has been added. Some notes below about the voice.

The model is very prone to voice cracking. I highly recommend lowering the "Protect voiceless consonants" factor to either 0.2 or 0.25 for best quality.

Since it is a very low voice, it sounds strange with higher voices, and it may also have even more cracking in higher-pitched songs. Try lowering the pitch first, as it may already reduce the cracking.


Model is very prone to voice cracking. I highly recommend lowering the "Protect voiceless consonants" factor to either 0.2 or 0.25 for best quality.

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