stefan-it's picture
readme: add initial version of model card
language: nl
license: mit
  - flair
  - token-classification
  - sequence-tagger-model
base_model: dbmdz/bert-base-historic-multilingual-64k-td-cased
  - text: >-
      Professoren der Geneeskun dige Faculteit te Groningen alsook van de HH ,
      Doctoren en Chirurgijns van Groningen , Friesland , Noordholland ,
      Overijssel , Gelderland , Drenthe , in welke Provinciën dit Elixir als
      Medicament voor Mond en Tanden reeds jaren bakend is .

Fine-tuned Flair Model on Dutch ICDAR-Europeana NER Dataset

This Flair model was fine-tuned on the Dutch ICDAR-Europeana NER Dataset using hmBERT 64k as backbone LM.

The ICDAR-Europeana NER Dataset is a preprocessed variant of the Europeana NER Corpora for Dutch and French.

The following NEs were annotated: PER, LOC and ORG.


We performed a hyper-parameter search over the following parameters with 5 different seeds per configuration:

  • Batch Sizes: [4, 8]
  • Learning Rates: [3e-05, 5e-05]

And report micro F1-score on development set:

Configuration Seed 1 Seed 2 Seed 3 Seed 4 Seed 5 Average
bs8-e10-lr3e-05 0.8405 0.8318 0.8437 0.8346 0.8444 0.839 ± 0.0056
bs4-e10-lr3e-05 0.8467 0.8303 0.8238 0.8386 0.8274 0.8334 ± 0.0092
bs8-e10-lr5e-05 0.8284 0.8345 0.831 0.8229 0.8368 0.8307 ± 0.0054
bs4-e10-lr5e-05 0.8158 0.8142 0.8164 0.8249 0.8228 0.8188 ± 0.0047

The training log and TensorBoard logs (not available for hmBERT Base model) are also uploaded to the model hub.

More information about fine-tuning can be found here.


We thank Luisa März, Katharina Schmid and Erion Çano for their fruitful discussions about Historic Language Models.

Research supported with Cloud TPUs from Google's TPU Research Cloud (TRC). Many Thanks for providing access to the TPUs ❤️