Is there any ComfyUI implementation for this?

by EricRollei - opened

Just wondering if anyone has implemented this in ComfyUI?

It looks like implements the stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler via DeepFloyd IF stage 3 nodes. I've just tried it, but not sure I've done it correctly as the results were soft and had halos around features.

use this

That's not the same thing. How does that work with x4-upscaler-ema? You can't load the model as an upscaler, only a checkpoint. But that node requires both a checkpoint and an upscaler.

Zulini IF II and IF III nodes have some functionality for using the stable-diffusion 4x upscaler. I tried it, wasn't impressed with the results sadly.
The controlnet tile upscale only works with SD 1.5 since there isn't a controlnet XL tile model so far

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