NSFW Filtering.

by R2P2 - opened

DO NOT downgrade to 2+ models if you wish to keep making adult art. It cleans up AUtomatic 1111 as well. I've got 2 repos running separately. The one with 2.1 is ruined.
1.5 on old system:


“You can’t have children and NSFW content in an open model,” Mostaque writes on Discord. “So get rid of the kids or get rid of the NSFW.” -https://the-decoder.com/stable-diffusion-v2-removes-nude-images-and-causes-protests/

GET Rid of the kids! We've been playing violent video games for over a decade without killable child NPC's and no one has noticed. Remove violence and naughtiness and you nerf a major part of human life and psyche... Kids -1 AI pinups +1

Do not upgrade before someone figures a way to remove the censorship BS.

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