Where is Stable Audio 2.0 ? Why keep it or hide it ? Share it !

by Usedaniel - opened

People need your true breakthrough model 'Stable Audio 2.0', why hide it or keep it ? Share it !

Usedaniel changed discussion title from Where is Stable Audio ? Why Hide it ? to Where is Stable Audio ? Why keep it or hide it ? Share it !
Usedaniel changed discussion title from Where is Stable Audio ? Why keep it or hide it ? Share it ! to Where is Stable Audio 2.0 ? Why keep it or hide it ? Share it !
Stability AI org

Stable Audio Open 1.0 is the same architecture as Stable Audio 2.0, except with a T5 text encoder instead of CLAP, and trained on a different dataset. The models trained on AudioSparx data (Stable Audio 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0) will not have open weights releases due to the data agreement with AudioSparx.

Fauno15 changed discussion status to closed

Thank you Fauno15 for your detailed reply. I really hope that Stability AI will continue to serve its mission, releasing open weights, and so that investors will continue funding your hard and highly valuable work, for us and for humanity. Keep the good work !!!

aren't they training a different version with non audiosparx data?

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