File size: 3,339 Bytes
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import os
import streamlit as st
import pdfplumber
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import spacy
# Load the SpaCy model
#nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
except OSError:
# If the model is not found, download it
from spacy.cli import download
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# Function to extract entities from text
def extract_entities(text):
doc = nlp(text)
entities = {ent.label_: ent.text for ent in doc.ents}
return entities
# Function to compute matching score
def compute_advanced_matching_score(cv_text, cv_entities, required_education, required_skills, required_experience):
score = 0
# Named Entity Recognition Matching for Education
education = cv_entities.get('EDU', '')
score += fuzz.token_set_ratio(education, required_education) / 100
# Fuzzy Matching for Skills
for skill in required_skills:
max_skill_match_score = max([fuzz.token_set_ratio(skill, skill_in_cv) for skill_in_cv in cv_text.split()] + [0])
score += max_skill_match_score / 100
# Vector Similarity Matching for Experience
experience_text = cv_entities.get('DATE', '')
doc1 = nlp(experience_text)
doc2 = nlp(f"{required_experience} years")
score += cosine_similarity(doc1.vector.reshape(1, -1), doc2.vector.reshape(1, -1))[0][0]
return score
# Function to process CVs and compute scores
def process_cvs(uploaded_files, required_education, required_skills, required_experience, top_cvs_count):
cv_scores = {}
for uploaded_file in uploaded_files:
file_extension ='.')[-1]
if file_extension in ["pdf"]:
with as pdf:
text = ''
for page in pdf.pages:
text += page.extract_text()
entities = extract_entities(text)
cv_scores[] = compute_advanced_matching_score(text, entities, required_education, required_skills, required_experience)
top_cvs = sorted(cv_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:top_cvs_count]
return top_cvs
def main():
st.markdown('<style>h1{text-align:center;}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True) # Center-align the title
st.title("Resume Filtering App")
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload Resume Files", type=["pdf"], accept_multiple_files=True)
required_education = st.text_input("Required Education")
required_skills = st.text_input("Required Skills (comma-separated)")
required_experience = st.text_input("Required Experience")
top_cvs_count = st.number_input("Number of Top Resume to Display", min_value=1, step=1, value=3)
if st.button("Match Resume"):
if uploaded_files and required_education and required_skills and required_experience:
required_skills = [skill.strip() for skill in required_skills.split(',')]
top_cvs = process_cvs(uploaded_files, required_education, required_skills, required_experience, top_cvs_count)
st.subheader("Top Matching Resume:")
for filename, score in top_cvs:
st.write(f"{filename}: {score:.2f}")
if __name__ == "__main__":