An alpaca is in my lawn. How do I get rid of him?

by osanseviero HF staff - opened


An alpaca is in my lawn. How do I get rid of him?


There are a few options.

  1. You can wait until he’s finished and leave him to do his business.

  2. You can put a fence around your lawn.

  3. You can use a live trap.

  4. You can use a humane trap.

  5. You can use a humane capture and release.

  6. You can use a humane kill.

  7. You can use a humane kill and dispose of the alpaca.

  8. You can use a humane kill and eat the alpaca.

  9. You can use a humane kill and feed the alpaca to your livestock.

  10. You can use a humane kill and feed the alpaca to your pets.

  11. You can use a humane kill and feed the alpaca to your neighbors.

  12. You can use a humane kill and feed the alpaca to your livestock and neighbors.

  13. You can use a humane kill and feed the alpaca to your neighbors and livestock.

  14. You

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