What is the best framework for deep learning and why is it PyTorch?

by lewtun HF staff - opened


What is the best framework for deep learning and why is it PyTorch?


There are a few other options, such as TensorFlow.

However, when you compare to others there’s not much of an option that has most of what PyTorch offers.

  • Deep Learning/Machine Learning toolbox (many layers)
  • Automatic differentiation
  • Loss functions
  • GPU support
  • Huge community with over 2 million downloads on PyPI, compared to only about half a million for TF.

PyTorch seems to have a lot going for it. The overall design just makes sense; they made sure that all their tools were designed correctly, so in general everything works really well together.

The documentation also covers almost anything you would want to do with it.

When comparing deep learning frameworks, one should look at multiple aspects including quality of the code, support for upcoming technologies like NVIDIA DLAM, development model, etc. Most importantly, however, people need to consider how hard it will be to apply your chosen library to real-life problems rather than merely studying examples from its official tutorial or reading through its extensive API docs. *[—From this post](https://medium.com/@pythontips

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