Feature Requests

by tracinginsights - opened

If you'd like me to add additional charts, or implement any other features please comment below

Hi, Iโ€™m collecting data for my thesis on F1 pitstops prediction and I would like to ask if you could provide me info about 2 categories of data available on the raw data table/csv document:

  1. Can I find references to the track status?
  2. Which time zone did you follow in order to collect the lap start time data?
    Thank you in advance!

Thank you so much! Could you please add data about weather conditions?

I'm working on several charts, but if you have any suggestions I'll try to prioritize it

I'm trying to create a ML based model which can predict pitstops so I thought that data on weather (such as temperature and humidity) could be useful

Weather data is now available to download in Download_Raw_Data page, right after laps data.

Documentation: https://theoehrly.github.io/Fast-F1/api.html#fastf1.api.weather_data

Thank you so much! I appreciate it ๐Ÿ˜

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