Voice cloning and LibrispeechTTS not working

by MasonCrinr - opened

I have an issue going into Voice Cloning and LibrispeechTTS, it is not working. Can you please fix this?

I meant to say if I press submit on text for Voice Cloning and LibrispeechTTS, it does not work, and it gives me an error.

StyleTTS 2 Online Demo (Not Affiliated with StyleTTS 2 Authors) org

Can you provide the error please, either through a screenshot or by pasting the error message?

I have the same problem. It only shows 'error' with a red oval around it. It does not provide any other error feedback. It generates the error within a second of pressing submit.

StyleTTS 2 Online Demo (Not Affiliated with StyleTTS 2 Authors) org

Hi, sorry about that, I switched to a more efficient text splitter which caused some issues. They should be fixed now. Please try again. Thank you!

StyleTTS 2 Online Demo (Not Affiliated with StyleTTS 2 Authors) org

Hi @MasonCrinr is this still an issue?

mrfakename changed discussion status to closed

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