have a question

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I want AI to make art where Jean-Claude Vandamme sits on his famous twine over the abyss and screams furiously, but AI stubbornly refuses to do this, does anyone have any ideas how to do this? please share.

You have to change it round a bit as it wont know what you mean by famous twine. This is what i got with Jean-Claude Vandamme sits on a cable over a abyss and screams furiously,

SD weights prompts, so keywords at the beginning have more weight than those at the end. I know in the command-line version I use you can add weight prompts to specific words, so you can do something like:

"Jean-Claude Vandamme :0.4, screaming, sitting on rope (twine):0.4, over an abyss:0.2"

I'm not sure if this version supports weighting, but worth a go.


Jean-Claude Van Damme is stretched by the legs over the abyss and he screams furiously (almost got it 😄)

Без названия - 2022-09-29T120405.451.png


SD weights prompts, so keywords at the beginning have more weight than those at the end. I know in the command-line version I use you can add weight prompts to specific words, so you can do something like:

"Jean-Claude Vandamme :0.4, screaming, sitting on rope (twine):0.4, over an abyss:0.2"

I'm not sure if this version supports weighting, but worth a go.

Wow, this is the first I've heard of this, thanks. 😳

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