
by Dragonidk - opened





My fav is the blue haired witch. What about you guys?

In my browser, the first picture (pink) is compressed and I had to open it in another window. Strange.

Btw, I am biased towards the traditional red-haired green-eyed character.

ide go with the Red/ Ginger one

Yeah no idea why the pink one is smushed! Tried to fix it but it wouldn't work haha.

They all have certain superior aspects, but red - green - blue - yellow and tied for me ;) And agreed, there's something eternal about the classic red-hair-green-eyed witch archetype.

They all have certain superior aspects, but red - green - blue - yellow and tied for me ;)

The polychrome group of witches is recurrent in some children Japanese cartoons. Perhaps because colours are simpler for the children, perhaps because of the influence of the sentai genre...
And suddenly I find myself seeing these six characters piloting a giant assembled mecha, or a golem eventually, while doing strange poses and yelling recurrent catchphrases... ^___^

Love it!

They all have certain superior aspects, but red - green - blue - yellow and tied for me ;)

The polychrome group of witches is recurrent in some children Japanese cartoons. Perhaps because colours are simpler for the children, perhaps because of the influence of the sentai genre...
And suddenly I find myself seeing these six characters piloting a giant assembled mecha, or a golem eventually, while doing strange poses and yelling recurrent catchphrases... ^___^

Love it!

Love it!

They all have certain superior aspects, but red - green - blue - yellow and tied for me ;)

The polychrome group of witches is recurrent in some children Japanese cartoons. Perhaps because colours are simpler for the children, perhaps because of the influence of the sentai genre...
And suddenly I find myself seeing these six characters piloting a giant assembled mecha, or a golem eventually, while doing strange poses and yelling recurrent catchphrases... ^___^

Love it!

In that case, add that the gang will use a "geass" to force the opponents to listen to their longer rants and catchphrases without being able to interrupt... * evilgrin * (also if they are able to understand it!)

If I had to pick I guess I'd go with #5. I like them all.


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