Cat floating in space Epic cinematic brilliant stunning intricate meticulously detailed dramatic atmospheric maximalist digital matte painting

by FirstSpaceCat - opened

Second one looks nice I think, last one would be epic if the ears were right, first one looks like it has fake watermarks on it (xD) and the third one looks like an eye popped out?

Any tips how to correct stuff like misplaced ears and eyes?
Happens a lot that the picture looks almost perfect if it weren't for that one eye that looks like crap?

If you can run the program locally I think you have a lot more options to correct and you can learn a lot from the discord server and subreddit.

Otherwise on the web, it helps me to include styles of artists who draw a lot of cats or take photographs of cats. Learning some keywords helps too.

Minor issues can also be resolved with in painting or with some minor Photoshop.

I think they're still pretty cute! Whenever another version of this software is created I think it will hopefully resolve lots of these issues and in the meantime, there's just a little learning to think in the way the program works currently.

Here are some recent space cats I came up with. In general overall I probably have a 50% success rate of pictures I love. The AI is definitely better at some things than others! So just running many times or with different seeds or changing the prompt incrementally all help I think in getting more great images.

download - 2022-10-16T014254.763.jpeg
download - 2022-10-16T014503.233.jpeg
download - 2022-10-16T015032.253.jpeg
download - 2022-10-16T015316.708.jpeg
download - 2022-10-16T014308.022.jpeg
download - 2022-10-16T015344.242.jpeg

Yeah, tried it locally too but got an AMD Graphics card and didn't got it to run on it yet, might try on an Nvidia soon...

Trying to change the prompt or the parameters slightly has helped to fix minor problems like strange eyes and sometimes even misplaced ears (less luck with extra limbs sometimes, sadly) already, but can't do it here as I can't change the settings currently and with services where I can I burn through credits wayyy too quickly by doing that :(
Looks like I really need to get it going locally ^^

With keywords, well, that might take some time as I am not even a native English speaker so lot's of work to do in this regard xD

Guess I'll give the Discord a shot then ^

(BTW, I really dig the first and the last picture ^^, and thanks for the tips )

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