toddler running on a meadow in front of a setting sun

by snmohan - opened

The below is my first attempt at using stable diffusion. I'm noticing that the features on the toddler's face are not well formed at all.
What can I do make it better?

I'd read somewhere in documentation or alike (sorry, I don't remember), that currently Stable Diffusion is not very good detailing "invented" faces in photorealistic style (i mean, not of a known person).

I tried the prompt
"happy toddler running on a meadow in front of a setting sun, very detailed face"
and restore the output with the tool mentioned at
with no much success: the faces are already too much distorted and the tool at Tencent restores a distorted face... so, no luck.

Try something like this if you have the tools

Or you could add this at the end

face is detailed

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