Repository of Peculiar Repositories

by Potatish - opened
A peculiar facsimile of a repository, psychological, expansive container, he screamed for those of the slayers whom wiped out possibility and promise, cel-shaded, depth of field, Artstation, Behanced HD, Enscape, CSGSociety, Deviantart, 4K, HD, High quality digital art, wonderous surrealism, Cyril Rolando, Niken Anindita, Sakimichan, Tuomas Korpi, Cinema 4D, Mateusz Michalski, Bored Panda, Cinema 4. He screamed for a life of struggle that had been destroyed by greed, greed that had given way to hate and hate that had given way to rage. He screamed for the barren fields of the dead, the pale skies of the living, and the eternal whispers of the skies. It roused him, this constant sound, this constant roar. It had a bearing, it was commanding, Wallpaper, cinematic, invocative, librarium

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