dark gothic spirits with long sharp teeth attacking a futuristic city

by latheofheaven - opened

It seems more the contrary: πŸ™„
futuristic spirits attacking a dark gothic city with long sharp towers. 😁
In particular, in 1st and 3rd picture.

Heh, oh wow... I didn't study them that closely, good catch mate! 😁 Isn't this program a total trip! πŸ‘

Oh, also, BTW I've started a Google folder with all the creations that I like so far...


PRIMARY SITE: http://lathe-of-heaven.com/ (it says 'not secure', but that's just because it's old 😊)

SOUNDROOM SYSTEM & COLLECTIONS: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9ja3UKob7tppW4Y38

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