front portrait of handsome wizard, fantasy, rough 18th century clothing, ultra hyper detailed face, sinister atmosphere, full body, extreme detail face, fine art

by vberkeb - opened

prompt: front portrait of handsome wizard, fantasy, rough 18th century clothing, ultra hyper detailed face, sinister atmosphere, full body, extreme detail face, fine art, awesome fantasy book cover, elden ring inspired, dark fantasy landscape, fantasy magic, intricate, elegant, sharp focus, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, digital painting, concept art, art by WLOP and Artgerm Greg Rutkowski gaston bussiere and alphonse mucha, masterpiece, trending on artstation, 8K
negative prompt: beard Ugly Morbid Extra fingers Poorly drawn hands Mutation Blurry Extra limbs Gross proportions Missing arms Mutated hands Long neck Duplicate Mutilated Mutilated hands Poorly drawn face Deformed Bad anatomy Cloned face Malformed limbs Missing legs Too many fingers

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