Add version requirement to pyopenjtalk

by Dalva - opened

Hi, it's been running great, but I have to add >=0.3.0 to the pyopenjtalk entry in requirements.txtto be able to install it in Windows 10.
Of note, I also need to have MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ build tools, C++ CMake for Windows, and Windows 10 SDK from the Visual Studio Community 2022 installer.
I hope this might help others who might have the same problem as me

skytnt changed pull request status to merged

I faced the same problem running the project on windows.
I got the error on pip install, and the pip error messaging is not helping at all.

pip install pyopenjtalk

My solution is the reference on the pyopenjtalk repo page (on the Build requirements):

I installed:
C/C++ compilers (
cmake (
cython (pip install cython)

And make sure you have set PATH. (you can use cmd to test it)

cython -V
cmake --version

hope helps others too. Thanks

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