Error transcribing audio

by Smoky5601 - opened

I am trying to call the predict_1 API endpoint from a node.js (v18.17.0) application, however I keep getting the following error response:

  type: 'status',
  endpoint: '/predict_1',
  fn_index: 3,
  time: 2023-08-03T14:34:45.618Z,
  queue: true,
  message: null,
  stage: 'error',
  code: undefined,
  success: false

How can I get more insight into why the transcription failed?

Here is my code:

import axios from 'axios';
import { client } from "@gradio/client";
import bufferToStream from 'buffer-to-stream';

let downloadResponse ;
let mp3Buffer ;
try {
        downloadResponse = await axios.get(audioUrl, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' });

        // Convert the arraybuffer to a Buffer
        mp3Buffer = Buffer.from(;

        console.log('MP3 file downloaded successfully!');
} catch(e) {
        console.log('Error downloading mp3', e)

try {
    const audioBlob = bufferToStream(mp3Buffer );
    // const audioBlob = new Blob([audio], { type: 'audio/mp3' }); 
    // NOTE: Trying to send as Blob results in error:
    // undefined:1 <html> ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

    const app = await client("");
    const result = await app.predict("/predict_1", [
                audioBlob, 	// blob in 'Audio file' Audio component		
                "transcribe", // string  in 'Task' Radio component		
                false, // boolean  in 'Return timestamps' Checkbox component
} catch(e) {
    console.log('Error transcribing audio', e)

I have confirmed the audio is not corrupt, I can play the audio that is downloaded fine.

Might have been that the space was hanging previously - could you try again now please @Smoky5601 ? Thanks!

Hey @sanchit-gandhi , I am still getting the same error. I think this is unrelated to the hanging issue that happened recently.

  type: 'status',
  stage: 'error',
  message: 'Connection errored out.',
  queue: true,
  endpoint: '/predict_1',
  fn_index: 3,
  time: 2023-08-08T04:35:24.546Z

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