Server is down - 502 Bad Gateway and Premium server

by bayramg - opened

I have been using it as api and it's great but server went down. Do you think you can bump up server, I willing to pay for Premium as API

I agree! This service is a real breakthrough! You can pay for this, the main thing is that he continues to work!

Sorry, back-up! Might be flaky over the weekend as we lost our reserved TPU quota, so are using preemptible devices for the time being

Thanks, how can one get TPU grant? I applied the link put but they send email that they will give for 30 days. Is it possible to extend it? How expensive to pay for it for TPU ? But best option would if you can add premium API.

Hey @bayramg - for TPU quota, I recommend you contact the Google Cloud TPU team directly (they'll be able to inform you better regarding pricing / grants). There are no intentions of making this a paid API - I want to keep this fully open-source and freely available for everyone!

@sanchit-gandhi I see, I meant as Premium option for specific number requests not the meaning to close API for public for testing.

If you could keep API free, that would be great but my concern is, would it be able to handle the load or would it continue have server black outs due to high demand?

If so I would need to start to exploring getting TPU grant or GPU to host this for my project because this is such a game changer that I will be using a lot for YouTube videos.

Heads-up: made some fixes that mean the demo should stay alive permanently now 🤞Let me know if it doesn't and I can try a different workaround!

It's not in my interest to monetise the demo nor create a tier based system where non-paying users have a worse experience than paid users. In the spirit of open-source, this demo is free for all and I'll try only to optimise the experience for everyone

I see, thanks. That's why I switched to OpenAI's own speech-to-text API. Even though the speed is great I needed sth consistent.

Sanchit this is the best news ever. Your tool is amazing and I appreciate your commitment to open source and I’m excited about the changes you’re contemplating and have made. THANK YOU.

Heads-up: made some fixes that mean the demo should stay alive permanently now 🤞Let me know if it doesn't and I can try a different workaround!

Permanently is big word, so it won’t ever go down? Can you elaborate on that, even busy times? Did you get new TPU grants ?

bayramg changed discussion status to closed
bayramg changed discussion status to open
bayramg changed discussion status to closed

This is great news! Well done! I have a question, is it possible to translate the microphone recording online now?
I wanted to upload a ready-made audio file as before, for transcription into text, according to my main job in the clinic.
Tell me, is it possible now to somehow do this and download the file, and not just live speech from the microphone?

Good catch @bayramg - it should stay alive for at least 1 month more while I have the TPU allocation. Perhaps a better word would have been 'uninterrupted', since it shouldn't go down again in this time.

Hey @rorie

is it possible to translate the microphone recording online now

Yes, for this you can use the "Microphone" tab on the demo and set the task to "translate"

@sanchit-gandhi I see thanks for clarification, “uninterrupted” still good. Maybe I will setup first API call to it and then 2nd call to paid one when server is down :)

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