submission button

by DeepMount00 - opened

I suggest adding a submission button for external models to your evaluation platform. This addition would allow us to explore a variety of models that could potentially outperform DanteLLM, thus providing a more comprehensive overview.
The Italian LLM Leaderboard: ( clearly shows that there are many other effective and valid models for the Italian language

RSTLess org

Hi @DeepMount00 ,

Thanks for your interest on our work. This is the first version of the leaderboard presented along with our paper (accepted at LREC-COLING 2024, to be presented around the end of May). It is essentially a snapshot of the state in October 2023, which is when the paper was submitted, with a few exceptions we could test.

As the goal of this leaderboard is to keep track of the progress in the rapidly evolving area of Italian LLMs, we are planning to release an update soon, allowing the community to contribute with more recent models. Stay tuned!

caesar-one changed discussion status to closed

Thanks, sorry this was not clear to me since I saw in the leaderboard models released after the date October 2023 such as minerva, mistral-v0.2...

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