How can i fix this / What am i doing wrong?

by ArtShala - opened

Hi Guys
Im new to using stable diffusion and encountered this problem as shown below
What am i doing wrong, and do i have to reframe the inputs a different way?
Thank you
Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 4.53.36 PM.png

hi @ArtShala , we'd be happy to help, could you please give us more context and share on our discuss? thanks

radames changed discussion status to closed

Error says unexpected EOF (end of file). Hard to pinpoint the issue without more context, but animation_prompts seems like a dictionary object.
So, as you opened it using the curly braces, you need to close it using curly braces {}. Should look like this:
animation_prompts = { 0: "example text", 100: "example text" }

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