Nothing happens

by Yntec - opened

None of the buttons do anything.

This ai is broken and weak

who is gonna extend music now

who is gonna extend music now

I was told to switch to AudioCraft Plus to extend music (same technology.)

Audiocraft plus wont work for me I’m trying to extend music

Audiocraft plus wont work for me I’m trying to extend music

Are you trying a CPU instance? I may need a GPU.

I fixed it by using the colab and not the space and now it works!

I fixed it by using the colab and not the space and now it works!

Good to know! Can you link to the Colab? I never managed to do this! Run the colab click the public url link generate then wait for the musicgen model to download on the colab and then you will be set up!

Thank you very much, AI music continuation, here I go!

Here’s my current extended music could you post me your extended music results and if you have any trouble just ask me

I'm following when you send a link (, but, it won't work, it just said "restart session" me...

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