Query about app

by Dinoking - opened

Hi @qmjnh

Just going through the space.
Is the app running and visible? Coz it's not showing up for me,even if the status of app is running

Hi @Dinoking

I've just built it and I'm testing it out. There's probably still something wrong with it since it's not showing for me either.
Check again in an hour or two

That's right man.
I had built 2 classifiers as well this morning both have the same problem.
The app.py is absolutely perfect in your space,i guess there is some error with HF.

Hi @qmjnh and @Dinoking ! Sorry about the confusion, it was a bug with gradio 3.1.2. That version has been yanked. Please upgrade to 3.1.3 or use 3.1.1!

hey, I don't really know how I did it, but somehow creating a new space and then uploading from scratch all files I'm using for this space works.

here's my new space if you wanna check it out. https://huggingface.co/spaces/qmjnh/flowerClassification_2

Hi @qmjnh and @Dinoking ! Sorry about the confusion, it was a bug with gradio 3.1.2. That version has been yanked. Please upgrade to 3.1.3 or use 3.1.1!

oh thanks for the info, a bit too late but I appreciate it :)))

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