Glass Chibi Owl

by IamMrX - opened


Look who's hanging out, they must let anyone in here, lmao!!! Dude, I like it!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD

This app seems a bit squirrely to me... I want to add it to my site but I can't get the thang to cooperate with me.
I'll just need to be more patient, yuck, I hate being patient, lol!

This app seems a bit squirrely to me... I want to add it to my site but I can't get the thang to cooperate with me.
I'll just need to be more patient, yuck, I hate being patient, lol!

hey good to see you here , just discovered this recently ard a couple of days , was going to mention it to you in fb , lol the squirrel tho, hope the app gets added to your site soon

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