
praneeth-hakeem-patrick org
edited May 28

Here is the PRD explaining what's the purpose of categorization of the transactions: https://www.notion.so/Categorization-Flow-30e7f1b898c4402f80e8d087e1e2c635?pvs=4

palexis3 changed pull request status to closed
palexis3 changed pull request status to open
praneeth-hakeem-patrick org

@palexis3 we are using poetry as the python package manager in this project. Please add new packages as poetry add <package_name> such that it gets added to pyproject.toml and gets installed thorugh poetry install when Docker container is built.

praneeth-hakeem-patrick org

Also, in categorizer.py please uncomment openai_api_key = os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] and use that when you initialize the llm

praneethys changed pull request status to merged

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