🚩 Report: Not working

by emirvmendoza - opened

Never-ending processing, queue does not move


The Keras version/mode does not seem to work in my experience (just now), Easy isn't the best, Paddle did extremely well though. If you are using Keras it might be failing, Easy the processing time takes longer than it feels like it should, Paddle also seems to take longer than it should but has worked every time for me and is good quality. Randomly came across this and thought I'd share my experience. I was personally impressed with the quality, it outperformed Copilot (which seems to be janky with its CV rn to be fair) and roughly 20-30 other browser-based OCR platforms I tried. Using much less than premium quality text also, edging towards me barely being able to read it (if I didn't know what it was already). Hope that's useful or something lol.

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