Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu)

by imone - opened
OpenChat org

We are applying for a community grant to set up a demo of OpenChat on Huggingface Spaces using a 1x GPU with more than 26GB VRAM or 2x GPU with 24GB VRAM. This will allow us to showcase the capabilities of our open-source language model, which is based on supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and has demonstrated impressive performance. The demo on Huggingface Spaces will provide a platform for the open-source and open-science community to engage with and explore OpenChat's potential applications.

I am going to sponsor this, if you put openchat3.5 on too :)

OpenChat org

I am going to sponsor this, if you put openchat3.5 on too :)

Thanks for your kind sponsor! We will release our newest version OpenChat-3.5-1210 and will also update it on

Ok, great, how can we get in contact for the sponsoring?

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