please keep this page up to date
please keep this page up to date, until the new leaderboard becomes usable.
or perhaps, make this the default page.
thank you for your great work.
This leaderboard won't be updated. What problems do you have with new leaderboard?
try selecting 1 language
Yes, we are aware of this issue, but since the leaderboards from this area have been presented in the new leaderboard version, I don't believe it is relevant.
first off, I really appreciate the incredible work you are doing.
when I click 'Select Languages', then go down to the X, then try to type 'nld', my screen hangs.
Mac OSX, Chrome.
ok, I don't seem to have the issue with firefox.
You can also e.g. select one of the language specific benchmarks from pre-built benchmarks
I can also reproduce this on MacOS chrome, but I can't do it on any other browser.
I believe this is only for MacOS Chrome, but if it is not please do let me know.