Request a restart for new SOTA English and Chinese models, thanks!

by izhx - opened

Huge thanks for the outstanding development of the great MTEB leaderboard.

We have released a new SOTA LLM embedding gte-Qwen1.5-7B-instruct along with two SOTA encoder embeddings gte-large-en-v1.5, gte-base-en-v1.5.

We would like to request a restart of the leaderboard.

Many thanks!

Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org


Congratulations! I'm quite interested in your upcoming paper, and I like the listed training procedure in your models. Restarting now!

  • Tom Aarsen


Congratulations! I'm quite interested in your upcoming paper, and I like the listed training procedure in your models. Restarting now!

  • Tom Aarsen

Thanks, we will continue to conduct more test, improve the models and develop new Chinese and Multilingual ones.

izhx changed discussion status to closed

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