Model Size, Embedding Dimensions, and Max Tokens don't show up for jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-en

by michael-guenther - opened


is there a reason why Model Size, Embedding Dimensions, and Max Tokens don't show up for jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-en model? I executed the get_dim_seq_size from and it loads the correct data for it but maybe we still did something wrong.

Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org
edited Feb 14

Yeah it is because the Jina model is gated and thus that data cannot be accessed without an API Key that has access to the model :(
Maybe there is some way to provide it an HF API Key when we try retrieve that data? cc @tomaarsen

Ah ok, thank you for the explanation. We decided to just remove it. Now it also works after refreshing :)

michael-guenther changed discussion status to closed

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