Move dataset information down; increase leaderboard size

by tomaarsen HF staff - opened
Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org
edited Jan 26


Pull Request overview

  • Move dataset information down; we want the leaderboard to be the main focus initially.
  • Make the default Dataframe size larger: 500 -> 600.


With these changes in place, the initial focus is drawn more towards the leaderboard itself. Additionally, it should be possible to see more with the increased Dataframe size, which should push the leaderboard metadata information down out of sight by default (without scrolling)

This is how it should look then:

(This obviously differs a bit depending on the user their device)

  • Tom Aarsen
tomaarsen changed pull request status to open
Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org

Cuz we merged the other one now it says
Cannot merge
This branch has merge conflicts in the following files:

I've manually added it in; great change!!

Muennighoff changed pull request status to closed

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