Any provenance information of GPT4ALL benchmark?

by zhiminy - opened

What is GPT4ALL after all?

It's a combination of the following tasks: hellaswag,openbookqa,winogrande,arc_easy,arc_challenge,boolq,piqa

It's a combination of the following tasks: hellaswag,openbookqa,winogrande,arc_easy,arc_challenge,boolq,piqa

Thanks for your reply. However, this is still too vague for me to figure out its provenance since I have no idea where the GPT4All benchmark originates.

For example, what's its relationship with
What's its relationship with
What's its relationship with

I think it is better to attach a link accordingly to redirect us to its provenance like other benchmarks. What do you think? @mlabonne

zhiminy changed discussion title from Is link to GPT4ALL? to Any provence to GPT4ALL benchmark?
zhiminy changed discussion title from Any provence to GPT4ALL benchmark? to Any provence information of GPT4ALL benchmark?
zhiminy changed discussion title from Any provence information of GPT4ALL benchmark? to Any provenance information of GPT4ALL benchmark?

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