It doesn't understand color in prompt

by sroyai - opened


I am trying to change the color of masked objects using the prompt but the color is not changing. Tried all possible prompts and several colors over sevral images and masked objects but it doesnt do any color change. Sometimes it puts door handles and random other stuff instead of changing the color.
Here is the original image :
make the chair look more nicer.png

Here is what happened after I tried to change the color of the masked section to red. You can see scale parameters in this image as well for your reference
Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 6.04.15 PM.png

Hi @sroyai - you seem to be leaving some portion of your object outside of the mask, so the existing colour of the object might have a strong influence on the output.

Also, what prompt are you using?

Finally, this app is designed for allowing the user to draw a sketch of the desired inpainting. For colour changes, it might make sense to preserve the guidance from the original image (and probably a more detailed control modality, like HED, would be more useful). The tool I've built here (also used for this app) should be helpful.

mikonvergence changed discussion status to closed

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