When will this be ready?

by yanjia0 - opened

Thank you for making this online inference tool! But it seems not ready for use now, I will come back later~ Looking forward to using it!

Hello, the demo is ready. Are you getting errors?

Oh, I can access the demo now. Thank you so much!

Do you know what is the computing resources behind this inference tool? Do you need to pay for it or it is totally free and I can share this app with others?

Do you know what is the computing resources behind this inference tool? Do you need to pay for it or it is totally free and I can share this app with others?

This open source project was sponsored by HuggingFace. If you want to create your own demo, you have to pay. Or you can use google colab. But for the 512x512 model, you should use A100.

kadirnar changed discussion status to closed

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