Why does it say this?

by Hdhdjdjjdndndjjd - opened

Why does it say LLM model failed, using deprecated one

This means that at some point in time, the Hugging Face platform (Inference API) was temporary unable to serve all the requests.

When that happens, the language model will return nothing (an empty character string), and it will display "..." if you enable the caption.

The panels will still generate, but the panel prompts will become a bit bland and generic, there will be less action (it will represent more the general concept of your comic, rather than a specific panel)

while I understand this is undesirable and unfortunate, at the moment I do not have solution for this (this is a separate service external to the AI Comic Factory).

I recommend to wait a bit for the system to cool off, and since it will also memorize the error (it will associate your input with this empty response),
I also recommend to try again with a different input and different key words. You can also try to use an alternative vendor and/or model.

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