James an junior doctor turns into robotic hero to villain

by Saicharan245 - opened

James an junior doctor lives an peaceful middle class life.
One day James got into accident his full body is damaged.
Then scientist did experiment on James body and turn him into robotic body.
James can't believe he turns into robotic he looks himself into mirror beside scientist.
James become new hero and he got ultimate powers from thunder.
James is now the new hero.
James turns into villain.


James an junior doctor lives an peaceful middle class life.
One day James got into accident his full body is damaged.
Then scientist did experiment on James body and turn him into robotic body.
James can't believe he turns into robotic he looks himself into mirror beside scientist.
James become new hero and he got ultimate powers from thunder.
James is now the new hero.
James turns into villain.


Saicharan245 changed discussion status to closed

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