Apply for community grant: Company project

by ankrgyl - opened
Impira org

Unrelated to our other Impira work, I'm exploring a space that tries to create a GPT-3-like "playground" to test what prompt engineering feels like with T5-flan.

Hey there! Would assigning a GPU significantly improve the experience for this Space? I think flan T5 has a decent speed, and the space usage is not very high. We're happy to provide a temporary T4 for some days to see if the usage would go up, but it might not help here

Impira org

Hi @osanseviero I was hoping to show off the XXL model, which was very slow at the time. That said, I think the "moment has passed" and so it would not be worth funding with a T4 at this point. Thanks for the follow up.

Sorry for the delay with this grant. Between holidays last week and a huge number of requests, we were behind. Next requests we'll proceed much faster!

osanseviero changed discussion status to closed

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