App errors out

by hlapp - opened
HDR Imageomics Institute org

The app generates the following error:

Space failed to start. Exit code: 128. Reason: failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to create new parent process: namespace path: lstat /proc/0/ns/ipc: no such file or directory: unknown

The OCI runtime create failed suggests some kind of container issue? Or maybe the problem is that the model is now on HF? Speaking of which, the app should probably be updated accordingly anyway?

HDR Imageomics Institute org

I clicked Factory reset under Settings and it's running again.
I see this from time to time with hugging face spaces.
This code was created before the move to HF.
The model was directly added to this repo.

egrace479 changed discussion status to closed

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