Inconsistency between the selected pose image and the label image/result image

by yumingj - opened

Hi, I found a bug in the web demo of Text2Human.

The bug is about the inconsistency between the selected pose image and the label image/result image.

The issue is caused when multiple users are trying this demo. For example, User A chooses Pose 1 and User B chooses Pose 2 before User A generates the label image, then User A clicks to generate the label image, and the returned label image is consistent with Pose 2 (chosen by User B) rather than Pose 1.

Could you figure out why this happens? Thanks for your patience!

Oh, that's a serious issue. Thanks for reporting this.
I think it's because the model has states. I'll fix it as soon as possible.

I've fixed it. Thanks!

hysts changed discussion status to closed

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