Photographing a painting

by MadScientist - opened

Prompt: double exposure, glass pane mirroring the photographer and camera, over an abstract painting in the style of Wassily Kandinsky, brass-framed behind glass.


OK and beautiful as it is, but it's not exactly what I tried to describe.

cool effect

Thank you. But my idea of a photo as an overlay for an abstract painting didn't work, no matter what changes I tried.
Finally I split the prompt to go and find out what prompt 2 is for.
Prompt 1: an abstract painting in the style of Piet Mondrian
Prompt 2: frontal view of the photographer and his camera
And this is the result:

I'm still confused. Where does the swipe-effect come from?
And another attempt: This time I changed the artist back to Kandinsky in prompt 1 and used the same seed value (1416122583) as before, expecting visible similarities.

The confusion grows.

try the guidance scale, maybe keeping it higher if you havent already

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