Align more metadata with other repo types (models,spaces)

by julien-c HF staff - opened
Hugging Face org
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Hugging Face org

This will improve consistency in the HF repo types ecosystem.

Do not merge this right away, as it needs the corresponding update in datasets library

cc @lhoestq @albertvillanova @osanseviero @victor

Hugging Face org

Corresponding update in datasets:

Hugging Face org

Thanks ! Why remove the possibility to add "other" as a license ? It's common for many datasets to have a custom license/terms of use

Hugging Face org

I will add other to the list in datasets, but we don't want users to add random other-xxx-yyy, they need to just put other and add more textual details in the dataset card itself, or in another metadata field

lhoestq changed pull request status to open
lhoestq changed pull request status to merged
Hugging Face org

I updated the predefined tags, and pinned datasets until we do a new release :)

Hugging Face org

Thank you sir!

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