Sorting options?

by MonsterMMORPG - opened

I would like to have several sorting options if possible

Such as most likes, most downloads, most favs, most comments, most issues etc

Also I have excellent tutorial series for stable diffusion on my youtube channel who are interested in for

Playlist link on YouTube: Stable Diffusion Tutorials, Automatic1111 and Google Colab Guides, DreamBooth, Textual Inversion / Embedding, LoRA, AI Upscaling, Pix2Pix, Img2Img, ControlNet, Diffusers

Huggingface Projects org

Yes that would be cool, here is what I would like to do next:

Yes that would be cool, here is what I would like to do next:

nice exactly like this thank you

Huggingface Projects org

@MonsterMMORPG the filtering is implemented according to #5

radames changed discussion status to closed

@MonsterMMORPG the filtering is implemented according to #5

awesome ty so much

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