404 Conversation not found (on local machine)

by RobertoDonPedro - opened

I'm trying to run the chat-ui locally. I'm running a local MongoDB (with Docker) and I updated the MONGODB_URL in my env.local file accordingly.
Then I could at least run the homepage. However when I enter something in the prompt and hit enter then I get the error "404 Conversation not found".
Any ideas what's missing?

Hugging Chat org

It seems the cookie is not saving, can you check the storage section in the inspector tab of your browser?

I have met the same issue.
mongo db is running in local docker, url configured to: MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017
others in .env file keep the original

any chat will show me a 404 page.

seems a cross site issue


Hugging Chat org

Thanks @jietian1 for looking into it, I updated the source code

Hugging Chat org

Seems fixed!

coyotte508 changed discussion status to closed

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