The huggingface app on my Android device is not working

by He3uh - opened

I downloaded the application today on my Android device that runs the latest version of Android. I encountered a problem when logging in to the application which is as follows: 403
Invalid or expired CSRF token, please solve it or help me solve it

Hugging Chat org

Hello, a fix has been sent to google this morning. It will take a couple a days before been released.

Will this take a week or more or less because I need this application badly and it is the best thing I have used in my entire life

Hugging Chat org

@He3uh it should be 2 days. Until it's fixed you can still use

Can you provide me with the apk version before it is released in the Google Play Store because I desperately need it. My work depends on it. The site does not work for me very efficiently. I am having problems with it, so please.

Hugging Chat org

@He3uh can you try this APK: ?

@He3uh can you try this APK: ?

Oh my God, it worked. Thank you truly. I swear I will never forget this favor

I faced one problem, which is that the message does not arrive in a gradual manner, and sometimes it does not arrive and results in a failure. I explained the matter with a picture only. The artificial intelligence remains as if it is writing, but does not send anything. Previously, the program used to send codes and speech in a gradual and beautiful manner, without errors.

Hugging Chat org

@He3uh can you try with another model ?

I turned off options in the form and settings and things went back to normal. I apologize, the problem was on my own ✋🏻

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