Conversation roles must alternate user/assistant/user/assistant/..

by MarvelSanya - opened

Hello! I use the model CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r-plus for a text role-playing game and I already have prompts ready for it. I get satisfactory answers but when asking for image generation (by checking the Image generation box in Tools) I only get errors.
Conversation roles must alternate user/assistant/user/assistant/..
I get this error even after clearing the prompts in the chat settings.
I couldn’t figure out how to use this function without errors... I’m also wondering if it’s possible to receive not only an image in response from the chat, but also a full answer corresponding to my prompts? An example of my game: I write that I go into my room and look around. The chat responds to me with a description of the room and the items in it (the chat follows the prompts in the settings).
Can I also receive an image along with the answer?
If yes, then how can I do it correctly? (and how to get an image instead of the error indicated above?)
I will be grateful for your answer and apologize for my bad English!

it happens with system prompt only. for no sys prompt it doesn't error but doesn't work either.

I'm currently receiving this error when just asking a normal question (no request for image generation, web search, etc.).

As of today, one of my custom assistants is trying to search the web (but fails) even though I have web search turned off. After attempting to search the web, it also fails to deliver a response. Please see attached screen captures.

I'm experiencing the issue with this custom assistant:

Please help. I don't think this error is being caused by anything on my end.



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