by KingNish - opened

Here, you can discuss any issue related to Hugging Chat.
I have a request for @nsarrazin and @victor to please look.

Error Message Not Found

Reported By @SvCy in Discussion 1

Errors are understandable but loosing the sent prompt hurts so much. i don't get why must we loose the sent prompt in case of any such error. We should be able to retry/regen. and there is sometimes another error of message not found. please address these. :(

Screenshot of this error -

Multiple models are giving the model overloaded error as of recently, and I stopped believing it's because many people are using them at the same time, because the 'CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r-plus' overloaded message is popping up no matter when I come on during the day.

The mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 model started giving the same overloaded message just today.

COMMAND R+ (Model not Working or Giving Lot Errors)

Reported by - @TheAGames10

I am unable to use the "CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r-plus" language model, it's always saying 'model overloaded' no matter what. Even trying to ask itself what overloaded means isn't working.

Reported By- @Mindires

Suggested Solution

@KingNish Good work man!
btw my primary issue was losing the sent prompt due to multiple errors. and the "message not found" was secondary as we still can resubmit the prompt via edit/regen it.

New Error in Internet Search


Hugging Chat org

@KingNish could you share the conversation or at least a screenshot including the query itself?

@nsarrazin There are more and more 500 error now.

I also getting lots of 500 eroor messages.
Screenshot :

Also getting lots of 500 errors. Here is a payload if it can help

{"inputs":"Can I use the unsafe directly in the extern block ?","id":"my_id....","is_retry":false,"is_continue":false,"web_search":false,"files":[]}

I'm using the Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct.

Just to mention, after I get this error, when I reload I also get another 500 error that takes the entire window size.
Is this error simply due to many calls to the website / overloading traffic ?

I tried reloading the website a few times and I often get 500 errors.


Hugging Chat org

Seems to be an issue with the chat template for command r+ which crashes the space for some reason. Taking a look!

Seems to be an issue with the chat template for command r+ which crashes the space for some reason. Taking a look!

Nice to see that You are working on Holiday. (Sunday).

Hugging Chat org

Should be all good now btw, also the websearch should work better now. Let me know if you see any issues!

@nsarrazin Can you pin this discussion.

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