Error with Web search

by dyoung - opened

Today while working with Falcon 180B and Mistral 7B at, I kept getting a web search related error.
Attached is an image of what I was seeing on my side:

  • Screenshot 2023-10-06 200429.png

Figured that it would be helpful to point this out. It seamed to be randomly happening during use. It was frequently enough to discourage wanting to continue using the chat system.

yeah me too, i have to constantly make a new chat and it would semi-fix it but it would be inevitable to get the error down the line.

Hugging Chat org

Hi, can you try again? this issue should be fixed now.

I can give it a shot. I'll keep you posted in this thread on how it goes.

Seems to be working for me now. Thanks for looking into it. I appreciate having access like this to some of the larger open sourced models.

dyoung changed discussion status to closed

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