Chat title changes automatically upon input!

by SvCy - opened

Hey, so there is the new feature that updates the chat name in the side panel each time we input, thus can't save a title! While I understand it might be useful for some people, I think there should be at least an option for us who don't want that feature. That would be really appreciated! Thank you!
Screenshot 2023-09-26 131910.png

Or ig it's a bug, instead of updating the title ony first time, it continues to update on each input!

SvCy changed discussion status to closed
SvCy changed discussion status to open

@nsarrazin @julien-c please anyone address this. I think it's a bug after all.
& I'm really sorry for the tag if it by any chance bothered you.

Hugging Chat org

Hey no worries! I noticed the bug too, will fix it and let you know when it's done!

Alright then! Thank You very much!!

Been fixed a while back ig, so closing it. +respect to the devs!

SvCy changed discussion status to closed

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