hugging chat

by deleted - opened

whenever i try to talk to the ai, i get 1 response, but when i try to ask it another. it never loads the anwser, it shows 3 dots for hours


could i get help

Hugging Chat org

I can try to help! What browser are you using? Are you using the websearch feature or not ?


i am using google chrome, i have the web search mode off,


for some reason this effects me on any device i try to use, i tried deleteing the account and making a new one with the same email,


this effects my laptop, but i can use the chat on a smartphone,

you know i have been having similar problems it loads 1 answer then gives junk errors of network error for the rest of the week/day/hour


i wonder if the company will try to fix this, try using a new chat model, start a new chat and try one besides llama 2, the mistralai one is good, exept if it gets something wrong, no mater what you say, it will ALWAYS ignore you and keep writing the same error filled statement over and over again,

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